
indefinable, incoherent and intriguing, sometimes intoxicated and usually insomniac ramblings

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Damn Sunday night blues. Have been trying to clean room all day and made astonishingly little progress. Am convinced that tiny gremlins sneak into my room when my back is turned and disarrange everything. Damn gremlins. Grrrrr...

Monday, October 17, 2005

It is that time of year again when I am trying to think of the perfect Halloween costume, one that will be witty yet not offensive, that will make me look beautiful yet somewhat scary. I have rejected drag queen (offensive) carton of Chinese food (unsexy) and cheerleader (unoriginal). Am thinking either tooth fairy or possibly Georgia O' Keefe painting (brightly colored sheet wrapped around me in suggestive fashion, florid makeup.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I have been bitten by the karaoke bug.
One of my castmates in my just opened (and very well-received, thank you)show is a diehard karaoke aficianado and I spent the weekend shuffling in her wake, belting out Juice Newton's Queen of Hearts and Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time and now suddenly I can't think of anything else and I spent this morning practicing hand movements to Never Been to Me from Priscilla Queen of the Desert and wondering if anyone would resent me if I sang a drag queen classic when I am, technically, a straight female.
Think I am in the throes of a new addiction. But since it is distinctly more healthy than the ones I currently have (Tanqueray and tonic and procrastination)I would consider it a positive step if it replaces one of them.

Monday, September 12, 2005

So hypothetically ....if you've been platonic friends with someone for over a year with no taint of attraction getting in the way and then suddenly in the middle of a phone conversation you realize that you want to kiss them, does that mean anything?Or does it just mean you've been celibate for way too long?

I'm just asking, of course. It's an interesting When Harry Met Sally type conundrum to ponder. I don't really know anyone like that.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My favorite yoga instructor has lost it.
I walked into class all ready to calm down and achieve inner peace and maybe even not think about anything disturbing for at least a few minutes. When she announced that class today was going to be a little different I thought that perhaps she'd gotten a new bell or was going to turn up the heat a few degrees.
She then proceeded to lead us in a series of sun salutations to the accompaniment of Britney Spears singing (and I use the term loosely) 'Toxic'
It is a crazy mixed up world.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Today I was wearing all black(as I am wont to do because it goes with everything and stains don't show) and a big black hat and as I was waiting for the bus a bunch of guys drove by and screamed something at me in Spanish that sounded fairly unfriendly. Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish - wish I did - but I did recognize the word muerta, and I am wondering if it was a death threat or a comment on my fashion sense. Made me think, anyway. Made me think I should wear less black. Every time I try to shop for clothes I end up buying the same black pants. I have more black pants and black Tshirts than anyone should have, and it's not because I don't like other things, I love colors and patterns and flowers and lace and sparkles and all that girly stuff, I just can't bring myself to wear it.
But all that black is getting kind of depressing.

Friday, July 01, 2005

I have Internet access again. Finally. Have had way too many tearful conversations with customer service personnel in the past two months. Move is completed and I am happily ensconced in my hot little yellow room in my new apartment which is idyllic except for the fact that roommates are not as vigilant about door-locking as I am and girlfriend of one of my roommates tends to share a little too much. I'm not anti-sharing, but everything in moderation, right?

Am also rehearsing for production of Hamlet, which goes up in August. I get to say, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark". I really couldn't ask for any more out of life.
Although the theater is hotter than hell and last night we were rehearsing the opening scene which takes place in bitter cold and I was standing backstage with a group of fellow thespians, sweat pouring down our faces as we jumped around shivering and saying things like,"God, it must have dropped thirty degrees" and "I'd give anything for a hot toddy" and I thought to myself....this is distinctly weird.