My boyfriend Derek Lowe sailed through Game Four with breathtaking power and agility, not to mention deliciously pursed lips and fetchingly dishevelled curly locks. (I'm not really the kind of Sox fan who knows the ins and outs and stats. I'm the kind of Sox fan who looks at the boys and screams when everyone else does and tries diligently to listen when people explain the meaning of 'double play' and 'suicide bunt'. But it's okay. I make up in passion what I lack in understanding.)
86 years of keeping the faith finally paid off.Wow. It's almost enough to turn me into an optimist. I think I have carpal tunnel of the fingers from keeping them crossed for the past two weeks. I'm going to give them a night off before I cross them again for next Tuesday.
The Sox won the Series and all is right with the world. At least for tonight.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Thursday, October 21, 2004
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will be unable to blog for next week or so because will be glued to TV watching my new boyfriend Derek Lowe and his buddies win the World Series.
Ahhh. Life is good.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Have decided that from now on I will express myself only in haiku.
Six rainy hours
Sixteen fifth graders screeching
My brain is spilt milk.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Today I did storytelling with my angelic little ten year olds. They came up with two. One was about a mutant vampire gerbil who takes over city hall, kills all the officials, and drowns everbody else in their blood. The other was about a mutant vampire squirrel who comes down people's chimneys and sucks the flesh out of their eyeballs while they sleep.
What is the younger generation coming to?
On a happier note...we have (for real!) found a roommate and he is moving in tomorrow. He is about my age and works in finance...something with 401Ks. I am hoping he will explain to me exactly what they are and how I can obtain one. And he does not, unlike other potentials, play the cello or have two Shih Tzus or partial custody of a four-year-old.
Have decided that finding a roommate is much like placing a personal ad (not that I'd know, of course.) At some point you just have to find someone who's gainfully employed with a sense of humor and good personal hygiene and then make the best of it.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Sassy thirty-nine year old decided not to take the room after all.
Once again, am trying not to take the rejection personally but deep down am sure it must be something I did.
Last night we interviewed a music student from Israel. He seemed very nice and is a technophobe like me-no cell phone, no DVD player-which is refreshing. However, he also plays the cello and practices 3-4 hours a day. I have nothing against the cello per se, but I do like my peace and quiet on the rare occasion when I am actually in my house for a substantial amount of time.
Roommate search has ceased to be entertaining and has become pain in the posterior.
And speaking of pain...have just come from agonizing appointment with sadistic dentist who did a lot more scraping with sharp instruments than is strictly necessary and then when he FINALLY let me rinse there were a disturbing number of chunks of bloody gum flesh swirling down the drain.
And he says I have to have outlandishly expensive bonding done and a consultation with a periodontist to talk about a gum graft. I just don't like the sound of it.
And I have a nasty cold from little-kid germs.
What a poor thing I am!Everybody should feel sorry for me and give me cookies.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Perfect Houseboy found himself an apartment elsewhere. I'm trying not to take the rejection personally.
But we found another roommate. She is thirty-nine (older than me! older than roommate #2!)and works for a medical publishing company. She smokes and has red hair and exudes a tough sassy energy that I like. And she has a house in Rhode Island and is just looking for a place to crash during the week. Ideal.
And she plans to get cable, so I can watch the Sopranos.
So glad that's resolved. Now instead of having to interview prospective roommates all weekend I can concentrate on cleaning my room, reading my self help books, and planning to begin my newest New and Productive Life on Monday.