
indefinable, incoherent and intriguing, sometimes intoxicated and usually insomniac ramblings

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Ex-boyfriend is now happily involved with New (and presumably improved) Girlfriend. I am now happily involved with cheap merlot and self-help books (despite the good advice of g, I can't stop reading them. The sneaky little bloodsuckers. They keep pulling me back in.)

Everybody's now just so happy I don't quite know what to do with myself.

I think I need a new celebrity crush. Someone dazzlingly charismatic yet flawed enough to be realistically vulnerable. David Spade has gotten me through many a lonely night, but he is not quite doing it for me any more. Hugh Grant is sexy but has too many sharp edges. Colin Firth is smolderingly delicious but falls short in the dry humor department. Rupert Everett is perfect in every way but one. Mark Ruffalo is highly appealing but the pouty thing could get old after a while (I'm thinking long-term here.)

Any suggestions?