What a disappointing day I had.
Virtuously I dragged my tired butt to yoga class only to discover that my favorite instructor 'Helga' ( that is not her name but I call her that in my head because she is lanky and German and has a reassuring air of omnipotence)has been replaced by a perky little elf in a neon orange T shirt who looks like the spawn of Pee Wee Herman and Ross Perot. He chirped a welcome and then led us through a seres of uncomfortable and undignified poses that were distinctly not relaxing and did not lead to enlightenment.
Will never attend that class again.
I am afraid that I am getting an ear infection. Sporadic twinges of agonizing pain that quickly disappear. Am wondering how long I can safely procrastinate before seeing a doctor.
My email account is being deluged with offers to witness "Girls Who Squirt- Great Gushing Squirts'. I have no idea what I may have done that would lead pornographers out there to assume that I am interested in viewing such material. But I am not.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday...I think I have only 8 more hours of java hustling left in me.