
indefinable, incoherent and intriguing, sometimes intoxicated and usually insomniac ramblings

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Happy Easter to all the blogbunnies!

Am back from bucolic weekend, lungs full to bursting with fresh air. Played lots of scrabble, saw exciting and unusual sights including trees and sap buckets and piles of deer droppings. No actual deer though, although I did hear the bonechilling scream of a wild turkey in the black midnight. If you have never heard such a thing, be glad.

Having misguidedly given up chocolate for Lent, I have gorged myself on it today. Cadbury Creme Eggs galore and those little Dove morsels. Ahhhhhhh. Sighhh. Am reeling in chocolate-induced oxytocinated bliss.

Friday, April 09, 2004

Long time no blog.

Internet use is not easy for me because I live with two other women and only one phone. Plus the computer is ony able to get connected to the phone when it is in the middle of the hall right by the bathroom so I am constantly being tripped on.

Wish someone would explain to me how to activate comment feature on this thing. Would make blogging that much more appealing.

Am off tomorrow to lovely cabin in woods for rural quiet Easter, blessedly free of noise and dirt and obscenely well-coiffed and outfitted people who look at me with disdain as I hand them their coffees.

Perhaps pristine mountain air will organize my mind and cleanse my soul. One Hopes.

Just finished Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides. Was delectable and totally engrossing read. If anyone cares.

Now I must go begin 1, 023, 457 th attempt to clean and organize bedroom.

On bright side...have been cast in short comedy about 8-minute dating. Yay.