
indefinable, incoherent and intriguing, sometimes intoxicated and usually insomniac ramblings

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Have not blogged in 17 days- resolution to maintain contact with dear friends via blogging and internet usage will probably go way of all other good resolutions this year, i.e- sleep more (ha!) drink more water (ho!)use time more efficiently (tee-hee) and do things to advance my career instead of just thinking about them (oh...heh heh heh.)

Am cranky and tired and have just gotten a year older, a year closer to oblivion, and continue to waste my life in meaningless menial job where encounter mealy-mouthed mean people of means on daily basis.

Try to see good in all people but is tough when can only get four or five hours of sleep a night due to insane schedule and incompetence of frickin' public transportation which gobbles up all my free time. Plan to title my autobiography "Slowly growing embittered while waiting for bus." Not a book I'd ever voluntarily read. Don't think anyone else will either.

Ah well. Tomorrow is another day.